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Trouble purchasing strawberry coins
Nickname of the account you wish to access
My Code of the account you wish to access
Device you last used to login to the account you wish to access (Ex. iPhone, Android, etc.)
Are you able to use the same device as before?
※If not, please leave this section blank.
Inappropriate activity/Spam
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{ "hukkyu_kisyuhenkou_check": " I have changed from iPhone to Android / Android to iPhone.", "hukkyu_shiyoukahi_check": "Yes, I am.", "requests_required_text": "※請填寫欲收到回覆的信箱", "category": "Category", "description_select_category": "Please choose a category", "category_hukkyu": "Restore or transfer an account", "description_huguai": "※ We are unable to guarantee that we will answer each inquiry related to faulty product reports.", "description_shitumon": "※ Sometimes it will take a while before we are able to respond to questions. There may also be cases where we are unable to guarantee an answer to questions.", "description_goiken": "※ We are unable to guarantee that we will answer each opinion or request received.", "description_fusei": "※ We do not share final actions or responses regarding the content of reports. We ask for your understanding.", "sub_kakin": "Trouble purchasing strawberry coins", "user_name": "Nickname (in-app)", "hukkyu_name": "Nickname of the account you wish to access", "hukkyu_mycode": "My Code of the account you wish to access", "hukkyu_kisyu": " Device you last used to login to the account you wish to access (Ex. iPhone, Android, etc.) ", "hukkyu_shiyoukahi": "Are you able to use the same device as before?", "hukkyu_kisyuhenkou": "Have you changed your operating system?", "hukkyu_other": "その他詳細を入力してください", "text_kakin_ios": "1. Type and price of purchased item(s) (USD / CAD / Others) → 2. How many items purchased → 3. Detailed time of purchase (Ex. Sept. 10, 2016 at 3:35 p.m.) → 4. After you checked your balance of strawberry coins, did you find that your paid coin amount did not increase? (Yes/No) → 5. Please let us know which State/Province you are currently located in. → 6. Did you check whether the total balance on your iTunes card changed after use? (Yes/No) → ※ Please be prepared to provide a screenshot of the e-mail receipt sent by Apple after purchase, or a copy of your purchasing history on iTunes (PC). After your initial message has been processed, you will be asked to send the screenshot as a reply. 7. Are you willing to accept a recharge of your strawberry coins (a free coin transfer) as compensation? (Yes/No) →", "text_kakin_android": "1. Type and price of purchased item (USD / CAD / Others) → 2. How many items purchased → 3. Detailed time of purchase (Ex. Sept. 10, 2016 at 3:35 p.m.) → 4. Please let us know which State/Province you are currently located in. → 5. Please provide the order number on the e-mail receipt sent by Google Play (Ex : GPA.1234-5678-9012-34567) → 6. Please provide your Google account ID (Your Gmail address) ( Ex : *** @ g ) → 7. Are you willing to accept a recharge of your strawberry coins (a free coin transfer) as compensation? (Yes/No) →", "text_huguai": "1. Please summarize the error that occurred → 2. Time when the error occurred → 3. Place or screen where error occurred → 4. If possible, please give as much information as you can regarding what happened when the error occurred. → ", "text_fusei": "1. Name of user involved in inappropriate activity → 2. Code of user involved in inappropriate activity → 3. Time when inappropriate activity occurred → 4. Place where inappropriate activity occurred → 5. Additional details regarding inappropriate activity → " }